Leah has been nominated for a National Magazine Award for Humour and would have been nominated for many more if the association had not eliminated the category because they’re mean.
How Many Of These Middle-Age Milestones Have You Hit? (Chatelaine)
Refer to this handy checklist whenever you’re wondering if you are, in fact, middle-aged.
How To Get A Failing Grade In Homeschooling (Today’s Parent)
A day in the life of your child’s worst teacher ever.
How To Talk On The Phone (Chatelaine)
Do you see this weird buzzing box in your hand? Yes, it’s a bottomless portal to the parsing of horrifying world news and/or pictures of everybody’s #pandemicmuffins. But it is also a Phone, and you can talk on it—with your mouth.
Snakes And No Netflix? Dear Cottage: I Quit You (Chatelaine)
Dear “Shabby Chic” Cottage Held Together Mostly by Petrified Mouse Corpses: I’m writing to tell you that despite a lifetime of being told you’re the Ultimate Canadian Experience, I’ve decided that you, cottage, are crap.
Confession: I hate playing with my kid
While I adore my only child, there’s still a certain chill that crawls up my spine every time Ben starts calling out in a singsongy voice (you know, the kind you hear in horror movies with children who do terrible things): “Who-o-o wants to play with me?”
Study Reveals Why You Can Never Find Your Yogurt In The Office Fridge
Yes, it’s true: they’re procreating.
Signing up for Parks and Rec programs without wanting to die
Tomorrow is when all the unwashed masses enter into a blood feud for spots in city-run classes and summer camps. It can be a grisly business, friends, but if you follow this fail-proof plan, you just might come out alive.
So your kid thinks Hanukah sucks balls
This rebranded guide to all the Jewish holidays will change their minds!