Leah has been nominated for a National Magazine Award for Humour and would have been nominated for many more if the association had not eliminated the category because they’re mean.
Things my cat has actually said to me (Chatelaine)
Because we all can’t have golden retrievers, okay?
How Many Of These Middle-Age Milestones Have You Hit? (Chatelaine)
Refer to this handy checklist whenever you’re wondering if you are, in fact, middle-aged.
How To Get A Failing Grade In Homeschooling (Today’s Parent)
A day in the life of your child’s worst teacher ever.
How To Talk On The Phone (Chatelaine)
Do you see this weird buzzing box in your hand? Yes, it’s a bottomless portal to the parsing of horrifying world news and/or pictures of everybody’s #pandemicmuffins. But it is also a Phone, and you can talk on it—with your mouth.
Face masks: Public health necessity but make it fashun!
Public health necessity but make it fashun!
Snakes And No Netflix? Dear Cottage: I Quit You (Chatelaine)
Dear “Shabby Chic” Cottage Held Together Mostly by Petrified Mouse Corpses: I’m writing to tell you that despite a lifetime of being told you’re the Ultimate Canadian Experience, I’ve decided that you, cottage, are crap.
Confession: I hate playing with my kid
While I adore my only child, there’s still a certain chill that crawls up my spine every time Ben starts calling out in a singsongy voice (you know, the kind you hear in horror movies with children who do terrible things): “Who-o-o wants to play with me?”
Study Reveals Why You Can Never Find Your Yogurt In The Office Fridge
Yes, it’s true: they’re procreating.
Signing up for Parks and Rec programs without wanting to die
Tomorrow is when all the unwashed masses enter into a blood feud for spots in city-run classes and summer camps. It can be a grisly business, friends, but if you follow this fail-proof plan, you just might come out alive.
So your kid thinks Hanukah sucks balls
This rebranded guide to all the Jewish holidays will change their minds!
Confessions of a reluctant hockey mom
Come October, Jason and The Hockey Monster We Spawned will be donning their Montreal Canadiens jerseys and cuddling up on the couch in front of the TV for six months, while I grumble, ignored, in the background.
9 ways more effective than hair ties to punish yourself for being the worst mom ever
Parents are waxing rhapsodic about how this method is actually working for them. But there are so many more effective ways you can remind yourself to be a better parent and just how terrible of a parent you currently are.
Boob jobs: The post-baby identity of our breasts
“Honey, you know I’m not good at… these… technical things!” I sputter, on the verge of tears.
“Here’s the thing. I don’t have BOOBS,” says my husband, Jason.
This celeb couple plans to have a month of silence after their baby is born and we have questions
While this cocoon of domestic bliss sounds like a good idea, as every mom who has seen her birth plan melt down into a juicy orgy of garbage fire, sometimes your best-laid plans don’t have a way of working out.
Hey, Meghan, moms have some advice
Don’t be afraid, hungry, angry Meghan—the mothers of the world are with you. And we have some new-mom advice.
Sofa, you’re so bad
We find a less precious, modern stiff-backed number at a hip Queen West furnishings store. I drag Jason to Crate & Barrel over his protestations that this was clearly evidence that his life is over. Nope, none of those comfortable couches will do either. We start to despair that the détente will ever come to an end.